If We Could Help You Get Just ONE New Client Per Month, For $97/Mo,

Would You Take That Offer?

Watch This Video To Discover Why 1,853+ Insurance Agents Are Joining IAU To Scale Their Business...

Plus You’ll Get Over $11,997

Worth Of 'No-BS' Scaling Playbooks For FREE

(Just For Saying ‘Maybe’!)

All You Have To Do Is Say, "MAYBE" And The Gift Are Yours... For FREE !

From the desk of Pavel Boissonneault

From the desk of

Pavel Boissonneault

This page will take 5 mins to read and only 1 minute to make a decision.

I’m going to describe what Insurance Agents University is, what it’s about and then you can decide if you want to join...

Insurance Agents University is for Insurance agents who want to get more recruits, more clients and grow their business faster than they currently do.

This page will take 5 mins to read and only 1 minute to make a decision.

I’m going to describe what Insurance Agents University is, what it’s about and then you can decide if you want to join...

Insurance Agents University is for Insurance agents who want to get more recruits, more clients and grow their business faster than they currently do.

We’ve Helped Over 1200 Insurance Agents in 36 Months.

We’ve Helped Over 1200 Insurance Agents in 36 Months.

I’ve had a lot of wins, many losses, and learned many painful lessons. Being an entrepreneur can be difficult. Every day is an emotional roller coaster of thinking, I’m not good enough, even to this day.

It's been 3 years of obsession and determination. However, I'm in an insanely better financial situation than I've ever been in my life.

I can tell you, if I knew then what I know now, I would have got here in a fraction of the time...

3 years ago, I started an agency with my business partner Joey, we both had no warm markets. We had to start from zero, watch every youtube video out there about digital marketing, and spend the first 12 months in business using free prospecting strategies like Facebook groups, LinkedIn Messages, Cold emails.

We hoped that one day we'd make $10k/month and be financially stable... Then it happened!

We soon realized that the new goal was $100k/month, we had to get serious about making money, so we invested $36k into a coaching program to teach us about paid advertisement and remote sales, it was pretty much our entire bank account balance at that time…

I started running social media ads to onboard insurance agents while Joey started running social media ads to get life insurance leads for them… 4 months later we had our first $100k month, it was a pleasant surprise to say the least!

Then we were stuck at $100k/month for over a year until we realized we were again paying for what we didn’t know about scaling a business...

At that stage we invested $24k into a sales management and leadership training program.

It helped us learn how to grow, train and motivate a team, which allowed us to unlock a new business level. Within 6 months we hit our first $200k/month, which proved once again that we really do pay a hefty price for what don't know!

And that’s what led me to be here today with an obsession for the art of empowering insurance agency builders to become world class leaders.

I’m not saying you’ll make millions. In fact, it takes an obsessive person to make millions with anything. But I’ve also seen a lot of lazy people make a ton of money using the internet.

I’d love to say I learned ALL these “secrets" through some course or guru... And yes, I learned a TON from my mentors. But ultimately, the majority came from overly obsessive experimentation, millions in ad spend, thousands of hours of experience and first hand experience from consulting over 1,200 insurance agents.

Blood, sweat, tears, lost friends, sleepless nights, hours of study and dedication to my craft. I love this stuff.

So much that I even have a community about it, and in less than 60 days, we grew it to over 1000 life insurance agents!

Many of them have become quite successful. Many of them are names you would recognize instantly because they are on the leaderboard of your organizations...

I’ve had a lot of wins, many losses, and learned many painful lessons. Being an entrepreneur can be difficult. Every day is an emotional roller coaster of thinking, I’m not good enough, even to this day.

It's been 3 years of obsession and determination. However, I'm in an insanely better financial situation than I've ever been in my life.

I can tell you, if I knew then what I know now, I would have got here in a fraction of the time...

3 years ago, I started an agency with my business partner Joey, we both had no warm markets. We had to start from zero, watch every youtube video out there about digital marketing, and spend the first 12 months in business using free prospecting strategies like Facebook groups, LinkedIn Messages, Cold emails.

We hoped that one day we'd make $10k/month and be financially stable... Then it happened!

We soon realized that the new goal was $100k/month, we had to get serious about making money, so we invested $36k into a coaching program to teach us about paid advertisement and remote sales, it was pretty much our entire bank account balance at that time…

I started running social media ads to onboard insurance agents while Joey started running social media ads to get life insurance leads for them… 4 months later we had our first $100k month, it was a pleasant surprise to say the least!

Then we were stuck at $100k/month for over a year until we realized we were again paying for what we didn’t know about scaling a business...

At that stage we invested $24k into a sales management and leadership training program.

It helped us learn how to grow, train and motivate a team, which allowed us to unlock a new business level. Within 6 months we hit our first $200k/month, which proved once again that we really do pay a hefty price for what don't know!

And that’s what led me to be here today with an obsession for the art of empowering insurance agency builders to become world class leaders.

I’m not saying you’ll make millions. In fact, it takes an obsessive person to make millions with anything. But I’ve also seen a lot of lazy people make a ton of money using the internet.

I’d love to say I learned ALL these “secrets" through some course or guru... And yes, I learned a TON from my mentors. But ultimately, the majority came from overly obsessive experimentation, millions in ad spend, thousands of hours of experience and first hand experience from consulting over 1,200 insurance agents.

Blood, sweat, tears, lost friends, sleepless nights, hours of study and dedication to my craft. I love this stuff.

So much that I even have a community about it, and in less than 60 days, we grew it to over 1000 life insurance agents!

Many of them have become quite successful. Many of them are names you would recognize instantly because they are on the leaderboard of your organizations...

Now, I Only Mention These Devastatingly Handsome Credentials So You Understand You Aren't Learning From Some Fly By Night Guru...

Now, I Only Mention These Devastatingly Handsome Credentials So You Understand You Aren't Learning From Some Fly By Night Guru...

The amount of watered down, butchered, and just senseless information I see out there makes me want to scream and tell you to run away!

Which is why I started Insurance Agents University!

I felt that most of the information on growing a life Insurance business was too complicated, overpriced, or just… shitty.

This is why most people over-think what they do, and then end up doing nothing at all.

This can be simple. I promise.

That's why I am so proud that we have grown to 1000 members in 60 days, all around the idea that it doesn't need to be so damn complicated.

Whether you are trying to grow, scale, or even if you haven't made a dime, we got you.

Many of our members have grown to six and even seven figures with their insurance agencies.

You'll have access to people that have actually done exactly what you are trying to do...

The amount of watered down, butchered, and just senseless information I see out there makes me want to scream and tell you to run away!

Which is why I started Insurance Agents University!

I felt that most of the information on growing a life Insurance business was too complicated, overpriced, or just… shitty.

This is why most people over-think what they do, and then end up doing nothing at all.

This can be simple. I promise.

That's why I am so proud that we have grown to 1000 members in 60 days, all around the idea that it doesn't need to be so damn complicated.

Whether you are trying to grow, scale, or even if you haven't made a dime, we got you.

Many of our members have grown to six and even seven figures with their insurance agencies.

You'll have access to people that have actually done exactly what you are trying to do...

Here Are Some #Wins From Our IAU Community

Here Are Some #Wins From Our IAU Community

Unlike most experts in this space, I don’t focus on teaching some "secret" system that will solve all your problems.

That’s what most people do. The truth is those systems don’t work for everybody. And, when everyone starts using the same thing word for word, they stop working anyway. 

I focus on teaching simplicity.

Simple strategies are duplicatable and will work for anyone trying to start or grow an insurance business. Remember this “Simplicity scales”.

I obsess over simplicity and it's something I continue to learn and master every day.

In fact, some days I feel like I know nothing, and always remind myself, I am forever a student.

Unlike most experts in this space, I don’t focus on teaching some "secret" system that will solve all your problems.

That’s what most people do. The truth is those systems don’t work for everybody. And, when everyone starts using the same thing word for word, they stop working anyway. 

I focus on teaching simplicity.

Simple strategies are duplicatable and will work for anyone trying to start or grow an insurance business. Remember this “Simplicity scales”.

I obsess over simplicity and it's something I continue to learn and master every day.

In fact, some days I feel like I know nothing, and always remind myself, I am forever a student.

I Obsess Over Making This Simple For Our Members.

I Obsess Over Making This Simple For Our Members.

So many "gurus" overcomplicate things.

Because we combine fundamentals with simplicity, our members can win this game and develop skills that stand the test of time.

It's like having a superpower that allows you to know exactly where and how you can go get your next recruit or client online.

Inside IAU, you will develop skills and traits beyond what you could possibly imagine right now.

  • You will be able to predictably find high quality people to talk to, that have a desire for what you have to offer.

  • You will learn to develop offers that make people instantly want to join your team and buy your insurance products.

  • You will confidently be able to use these skills to grow your business and help your downline duplicate the same success.

  • You will meet people you would not normally have access to and build a network that builds your net worth.

  • You will NOT be stuck trying to recruit people that are looking for a job, or bothering your friends and family...

And then, you’re going to have something that most people don’t.


You want more people to talk to? DONE.

You want people who have a business mindset? DONE.

You want to be able to choose who you work with? DONE.

You want to build a massive team and make passive income? DONE.

Or maybe, you want to find families to help and get paid thousands for it? DONE.

All these options can be insanely profitable. They all allow you to have a bigger impact, leave your mark on the world, and change people's lives with your work.

So many "gurus" overcomplicate things.

Because we combine fundamentals with simplicity, our members can win this game and develop skills that stand the test of time.

It's like having a superpower that allows you to know exactly where and how you can go get your next recruit or client online.

Inside IAU, you will develop skills and traits beyond what you could possibly imagine right now.

  • You will be able to predictably find high quality people to talk to, that have a desire for what you have to offer.

  • You will learn to develop offers that make people instantly want to join your team and buy your insurance products.

  • You will confidently be able to use these skills to grow your business and help your downline duplicate the same success.

  • You will meet people you would not normally have access to and build a network that builds your net worth.

  • You will NOT be stuck trying to recruit people that are looking for a job, or bothering your friends and family...

And then, you’re going to have something that most people don’t.


You want more people to talk to? DONE.

You want people who have a business mindset? DONE.

You want to be able to choose who you work with? DONE.

You want to build a massive team and make passive income? DONE.

Or maybe, you want to find families to help and get paid thousands for it? DONE.

All these options can be insanely profitable. They all allow you to have a bigger impact, leave your mark on the world, and change people's lives with your work.

Whichever You Choose, Insurance Agents University Will Help You Get There.

Whichever You Choose, Insurance Agents University Will Help You Get There.

And with that in mind, here’s what’s included in IAU.

Every month, I’m going to teach you everything I know about growing an insurance business outside of your warm market...

…Free lead sources, ads, marketing automation, lead qualification systems, appointment setting, sales, no-brainer offers, agent licensing, agent production, sales team leadership and management, psychology, mindset, etc…(This just scratches the surface)

In addition, I'm also going to give you tons of templates, resources, tools, scripts and connections.

Here’s what’s included:

And with that in mind, here’s what’s included in IAU.

Every month, I’m going to teach you everything I know about growing an insurance business outside of your warm market...

…Free lead sources, ads, marketing automation, lead qualification systems, appointment setting, sales, no-brainer offers, agent licensing, agent production, sales team leadership and management, psychology, mindset, etc…(This just scratches the surface)

In addition, I'm also going to give you tons of templates, resources, tools, scripts and connections.

Here’s what’s included:

  • Weekly Training Calls - Every Tuesday at 1PM EST. Call listed below…

  • Growth Call - One Training Call Per Month with Pavel Boissonneault (me). Every month, I teach one new method of growing your business. The call is about 1 hour and I have a Q & A at the end. I sometimes review business numbers, sales calls, and offers at the end of the call.

  • Paid Traffic Call - One Training Call Per Month with Joey Lalonde-Rioux, a top tier life insurance ads expert teaching every month. He also does plenty of Q & A and ad reviews for some members. The call is about 1 hour.

  • Sales Optimization Call - One Training Call Per Month with Pavel Boissonneault (Me). Every month, I review multiple recruiting sales calls from members and give live feedback. The call is about 1 hour and I have a Q & A at the end.

  • Member Spotlight - One Training Call Per Month with an IAU Member that is CRUSHING it. Every month, we bring on an IAU member who has taken the content inside IAU, applied it and got killer results. They’ll give you insights into how they used what they learned to get remarkable results. Then, they'll take questions from the community at the end. 

  • Recordings and Replays of All Calls - Watch and rewatch every call as often as you need. You’re getting video recordings, a transcript, and even notes. We take notes so you don’t have to, but you still should.

  • Training Courses - A collection of the best courses we’ve released over the years. Some of these were over $5,000 when we launched them. Now they are included in IAU.

Courses include: 30-Min Life Insurance Ads, Appointment Setting Mastery, Mastering Remote Recruiting Appointments, World-Class Recruiting Offers, Show Up Mastery, Objection Handling Secrets, Sales Team Leadership & Management, to name just a few.

  • Community Support - 91% of our members are fully engaged. Our community encourages our members to help each other. Our members get points whenever they post valuable content. The more points you get, the more prizes you unlock. We hold nothing back in IAU. You’re getting advice, mentorship, and insights directly from us every day. 

  • IAU Digest - Every Week, you'll receive a PDF newsletter in your inbox. It contains the best GOLD shared in the community that week. You'll never miss anything. 

  • Access to the IAU Private Network. You're going to get access to all the 6-figure, 7-figure members in the IAU network.

  • Free Gift #1 - Zero to 7 Figure Roadmap - Once you log in for the first time, we will send you a roadmap. It helps you navigate the entire journey of building your business from 0 to 7 figures, in only 5 stages.

You may already be in a certain stage of the roadmap. I recommend you go through the entire thing. This way, you can make sure you don't miss any fundamentals.

  • Free Gift #2 - Automated LinkedIn Organic Prospecting - This is the lowest hanging fruit automated prospecting strategy on the planet, period. It's essentially free, yet many marketing companies charge $10k + for this system, it's simple to setup and delivers results every time. It's ultimately what took our business from Zero to $20k/month, and something we still use to this day. We believe every insurance agent should have it in their prospecting toolbox.

  • Free Gift #3 - Million Dollar Facebook Ads Swipe File - After Spending millions of dollars in Facebook ads for financial services and recruiting, we give you access to the top performing ads that we've used, and still use to this day! Forget wasting your dollars in ad testing, these work every time.

  • Weekly Training Calls - Every Tuesday at 1PM EST. Call listed below…

  • Growth Call - One Training Call Per Month with Pavel Boissonneault (me). Every month, I teach one new method of growing your business. The call is about 1 hour and I have a Q & A at the end. I sometimes review business numbers, sales calls, and offers at the end of the call.

  • Paid Traffic Call - One Training Call Per Month with Joey Lalonde-Rioux, a top tier life insurance ads expert teaching every month. He also does plenty of Q & A and ad reviews for some members. The call is about 1 hour.

  • Sales Optimization Call - One Training Call Per Month with Pavel Boissonneault (Me). Every month, I review multiple recruiting sales calls from members and give live feedback. The call is about 1 hour and I have a Q & A at the end.

  • Member Spotlight - One Training Call Per Month with an IAU Member that is CRUSHING it. Every month, we bring on an IAU member who has taken the content inside IAU, applied it and got killer results. They’ll give you insights into how they used what they learned to get remarkable results. Then, they'll take questions from the community at the end. 

  • Recordings and Replays of All Calls - Watch and rewatch every call as often as you need. You’re getting video recordings, a transcript, and even notes. We take notes so you don’t have to, but you still should.

  • Training Courses - A collection of the best courses we’ve released over the years. Some of these were over $5,000 when we launched them. Now they are included in IAU.

Courses include: 30-Min Life Insurance Ads, Appointment Setting Mastery, Mastering Remote Recruiting Appointments, World-Class Recruiting Offers, Show Up Mastery, Objection Handling Secrets, Sales Team Leadership & Management, to name just a few.

  • Community Support - 91% of our members are fully engaged. Our community encourages our members to help each other. Our members get points whenever they post valuable content. The more points you get, the more prizes you unlock. We hold nothing back in IAU. You’re getting advice, mentorship, and insights directly from us every day. 

  • IAU Digest - Every Week, you'll receive a PDF newsletter in your inbox. It contains the best GOLD shared in the community that week. You'll never miss anything. 

  • Access to the IAU Private Network. You're going to get access to all the 6-figure, 7-figure members in the IAU network.

  • Free Gift #1 - Zero to 7 Figure Roadmap - Once you log in for the first time, we will send you a roadmap. It helps you navigate the entire journey of building your business from 0 to 7 figures, in only 5 stages.

You may already be in a certain stage of the roadmap. I recommend you go through the entire thing. This way, you can make sure you don't miss any fundamentals.

  • Free Gift #2 - Automated LinkedIn Organic Prospecting - This is the lowest hanging fruit automated prospecting strategy on the planet, period. It's essentially free, yet many marketing companies charge $10k + for this system, it's simple to setup and delivers results every time. It's ultimately what took our business from Zero to $20k/month, and something we still use to this day. We believe every insurance agent should have it in their prospecting toolbox.

  • Free Gift #3 - Million Dollar Facebook Ads Swipe File - After Spending millions of dollars in Facebook ads for financial services and recruiting, we give you access to the top performing ads that we've used, and still use to this day! Forget wasting your dollars in ad testing, these work every time.

It’s the full stack of knowledge and skill that you’ve been searching for.

If you want to learn from one of the best online entrepreneurs in the world, reach new heights in your businesses, make insane connections and become a full-stack entrepreneur...Insurance Agents University is the first step in your journey toward becoming the 1%.

We’re going to show you everything you need to really understand how the game works at a fundamental level. This way, you’ll know exactly what to do to grow your business with a high degree of certainty. 

That’s Insurance Agents University.

So if that’s what you’re for then the last question you have is what is the price & how do you get in...Here’s the price:

$97/month (you can cancel any time)

How to sign up: (Click The Button Below)

It’s the full stack of knowledge and skill that you’ve been searching for.

If you want to learn from one of the best online entrepreneurs in the world, reach new heights in your businesses, make insane connections and become a full-stack entrepreneur...Insurance Agents University is the first step in your journey toward becoming the 1%.

We’re going to show you everything you need to really understand how the game works at a fundamental level. This way, you’ll know exactly what to do to grow your business with a high degree of certainty. 

That’s Insurance Agents University.

So if that’s what you’re for then the last question you have is what is the price & how do you get in...Here’s the price:

$97/month (you can cancel any time)

How to sign up: (Click The Button Below)

This is risk free. If you get in and hate it, just ask for a refund. No sweat.

Once you sign up, we will send you an onboarding form.

Fill that out and we will add you to the community. Don’t forget to attend the welcome call as it has amazing insights into how to get the most out of IAU.

PS. Insurance Agents University is more than a place to learn to make money. It’s a FAMILY of people working hard to help each other in their journey. They aim to make it as SIMPLE and EASY as possible.

We take the “overthinking” out of making money. You will make connections and meet lifelong friends. They could change the entire course of your future. This is the day things turn around for you.

You will gain a skill set that will give you everything you need to be successful no matter what the future holds.

Here's The Summary Of


We put everything we’ve learned, everything we use ourselves in this course so that you can learn from our mistakes, our wins, as well as benefiting from all the time, effort, and money that has gone into the experiences that made their way into this course.

We put everything we’ve learned, everything we use ourselves in this course so that you can learn from our mistakes, our wins, as well as benefiting from all the time, effort, and money that has gone into the experiences that made their way into this course.

  • Growth Call - Learn a new method of generating appointments single every month!

  • Paid Traffic Call - Learn how to run life insurance and recruiting ads from our 7-figure CEO! (Joey)

  • Sales Optimization Call - Learn how to sale and recruit directly from our 7-figure sales team leader! (Pavel)

  • Member Spotlight - Learn from an IAU member who has taken the content inside IAU, applied it and got killer results.

  • Recordings and Replays of All Calls - Watch and rewatch every call as often as you need.

  • Training Courses - 30-Min Life Insurance Ads, Appointment Setting Mastery, Mastering Remote Recruiting Appointments, World-Class Recruiting Offers, Show Up Mastery, Objection Handling Secrets, Sales Team Leadership & Management, to name just a few.

  • Free Gift #1 - Zero to 7 Figure Roadmap - It helps you navigate the entire journey of building your business from 0 to 7 figures, in only 5 stages. (Worth $497)

  • Free Gift #2 - LinkedIn Organic Prospecting - The lowest hanging fruit automated prospecting strategy on the planet, that always gets results, period! (Worth $10,000)

  • Free Gift #3 - Million Dollar Facebook Ads Swipe File - We give you access to our top performing Facebook ads that we still use with clients to this day! (Worth $1500)

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This website is operated and maintained by Fondako Media LLC. Use of the website is governed by its Terms Of Service and Privacy Policy .

Fondako Media LLC is a sales and marketing education and training company. We do not sell a business opportunity, “get rich quick” program or money-making system. We believe, with education, individuals can be better prepared to make investment decisions, but we do not guarantee success in our training. We do not make earnings claims, efforts claims, or claims that our training will make you any money. All material is intellectual property and protected by copyright. Any duplication, reproduction, or distribution is strictly prohibited. Please see our Full Disclosure for important details.

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Statements and depictions are the opinions, findings, or experiences of individuals who generally have purchased education and training. Results vary, are not typical, and rely on individual effort, time, and skill, as well as unknown conditions and other factors. We do not measure earnings or financial performance. Instead, we track completed transactions and satisfaction of services by voluntary surveys. You should not, however, equate reported sales transactions with financially successful transactions. Further, many customers do not continue with the program, do not apply what they learn, or do attempt to apply what they learn but nonetheless have difficulty in making sales successful for them.

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30 N Gould St, Sheridan, Wyoming, 82801, USA